Discover the path we took and the milestones we reached along the way to become the Group we are today.

The Core

Early 1900’s
Tecnimont's precursors designed and built plants for the chemical and oil industry, both in Italy and abroad, for over 50 years, establishing a record for engineering works, procurement, and construction projects around the world.

The Beginnings

Giacomo Fauser works on the production of ammonia by direct reaction of hydrogen and nitrogen and develops a design of the vessel.

1930 - 1950
Montecatini Research and Development Center G. Donegani develops original processes for fertilizers production.

On July 9th, a new company called “Industrial Consulting Bureau Private Limited (ICB Private Limited” was incorporated in Mumbai. The primary activities were small Feasibility and Engineering services jobs.

1960 - 1990
Montedison (and later Tecnimont) focuses on the development of single stream, large capacity ammonia and urea plants and low energy, high capacity urea technology.

Giulio Natta wins the Chemistry Nobel Prize for the invention of polypropylene, thanks to the collaboration between the Polytechnic of Milan and Montecatini.

Tecnimont evolved as the Engineering and Development Division of the Montedison Group, absorbing its tradition of scientific research in close collaboration with local industrial systems capable of engineering laboratory innovation.
In 1972 , FIAT Engineering, formerly the Fiat group's Building and Plant service, was incorporated, operating primarily in the infrastructure sector.

After decades of growth in the plant engineering sector, within Edison and Montecatini, Tecnimont is incorporated into the Montedison Group.

Creation of the first JV between the Indian based consulting firm ICB and Tecnimont.

The Acquisitions

1992 - 1995
In a bid to directly operate on the German market, Tecnimont completed the process of establishing Tecnimont Planung Industrieanlagenbau Salzgitter GmbH (“TPI”), the engineering center with relevant high-end know-how in the planning of plants to produce low density polyethylene (LDPE).

The Growth

Tecnimont acquires 50% of ICB, renamed as Tecnimont ICB Private Limited (TICB).

Tecnimont is acquired by Maire Group: the Maire Tecnimont Group is born; Maire Tecnimont is then listed on the Milan Stock Exchange in November 2007.

The Indian company Tecnimont Pvt. Ltd. (formerly TICB), after the acquisition of the remaining 50%, becomes a fully owned subsidiary of Maire Tecnimont Group.

2009 - 2010
Dutch company Stamicarbon (2009), and Technip KTI (2010), today KT - Kinetics Technology join Tecnimont as part of the Maire Tecnimont Group.

The New Era

2011 - 2015
Tecnimont goes through a turnaround. The Group completes its recapitalization, the Top Management is reorganized, and a business repositioning plan is launched together with a deleveraging program.

2016 - 2018
A new phase for business growth: based on the broad knowledge and experience of the Maire Tecnimont Group and its subsidiaries, a technology-driven strategy in the field of hydrocarbon transformation is opted for, while gradually adopting renewable energy production and green chemistry.

60 years of the Tecnimont Private Limited are celebrated as prime example of Italy-India cooperation.

Present Day

Maire Tecnimont’s rebranding to MAIRE underscores its transformation into a tech-driven company leading the energy transition. The new brand, marked by the tagline “MAke to InspIRE”, reflects a commitment to innovation, sustainability and tackling global challenges.

Maire unveils "Unbox the Future”, the strategic plan for 2023-2032. The new structure, comprising Sustainable Technology Solutions and Integrated E&C Solutions, enhances operational efficiency and market responsiveness. The strategy emphasizes innovation, flawless project delivery, and the ability to navigate market changes, ultimately boosting financial growth and sustainability.